There are lots of projects keeping me busy at the moment.. and neglecting stuff:ED! I’ve included a bit of an update below:
The metal:ED team have done a great job of planning a series of Welding videos and we’re just about ready for the first shoot. Check out our project postcard below:
We’ve had lots of new members joining up, and have held a few great meetups at the TLRU with Communication teachers in the last few weeks. Check out some photos from our Flickr Group.. and keep an eye out for our upcoming Flickr Photo Comp, which you’ll be welcome to join in on! 😉
1. eCommunicators, 2. eCommunicators, 3. Rusty Kembla at his fab gallery, 4. Business Admin Teachers – checking out some new technology, 5. eCommunicate 2.0 Network Edna Group, 6. eCommunicators
We had a fantastic meeting at the early in July, which kicked off the teacherConnect project.
1. Steph, 2. Robyn, Diana, Alex, 3. Steven, 4. World’s most moblogged event
Since then, Steve Parker has been doing some great work on the teacherConnect wiki, and is currently drawing together information on moderation, codes of conduct and a networked learning charter, which seeks to provide information and guidance to teachers and students working in networked learning environments.
In my opinion, these discussions are key to refining the networked learning model; and I’m looking forward to hearing more from the community about what we all see as our rights and responsibilities when engaging in networked learning spaces.