Welcome Azzura!

A huge welcome to Team jokaydia to the truly fabulous Azzura Supplee – one of my oldest and dearest friends from Second Life! Az will be joining me to assist with various projects and brings stellar building and scripting skills with her – WOOT! So far...

jokaydia Unconference – starts this Friday!

The jokaydia May Unconference 2010 is coming together and we’ve only 2 more sleeps till the fun starts!!! Check out the jokaydia Unconference Wiki for full details on all the sessions! There’s some really interesting discussions planned, and I must say a...

jokaydia Events this Week!

After a few weeks of development and reconstruction, I thought it might be time to do some celebrating and socialising in jokaydia’s little corner of the Metaverse, and so we’ll be holding a number of events in the coming weeks! Check out the details...

The Sugar Sim..Art & Design @jokaydiaGRID!

Today has been an exciting day on many virtual fronts, and to finish it off I had the pleasure of setting up our newest project oriented space on jokaydiaGRID! The Sugar Sim is jokaydia’s new Art and Design space. It will be used as a gallery space and for all...