jokaydia@ReactionGrid for VWBPE

It’s that time of the year again – when everyone gathers inworld for the annual Virtual Worlds Best Practice in Education Conference! You’d be mad to miss it! 😉 You can access the full conference schedule @...

jokaydia Virtual Worlds Wiki!

Where in the world is the Second Life in Education Wiki!!?? Funny you should ask that! 😉 The new jokaydia Virtual Worlds in Education wiki includes all of the resources that were previously available at, the well known wiki which was created...

Meet the Robot!

jokaydia EduMeet at ReactionGrid Tonight! Event Details: Date: Sunday 25 October 2009 Location: jokaydia @ ReactionGrid Time: 9pm AEST / 10am GMT /3am SLT Check your local time here! For information on how to join us on ReactionGrid click...